The Corporate FunRun series is open to teams of employees from corporations, businesses, and non-for-profit organizations. Company and employee eligibility determinations shall be made exclusively by CFR and/or its authorized representative (collectively referred to herein as “CFR”). All decisions shall be final. Verification of eligibility must be provided upon request.
Employees of non-for-profit organizations (e.g., federal, state, and municipal governments, quasi-governmental organizations and educational institutions) may compete and score only if they are on a team from the same unit, branch, chapter, or school at which they are directly employed.
Participants must be actively employed, working a minimum of 25 hours a week.
Participants must be at least 18 years of age on the race date.
Each participant must register online in order to be officially entered and eligible to run. Participants certify that they are medically fit to run and fulfill the previously-listed employment requirements.
Each company must register a minimum of THREE entrants to form ONE complete team. Companies are only required to have one team of three, after which, any number of company participants are welcome. Incomplete teams and individual entries will not be accepted. Once a team is finalized, there will be no changes or substitutions.
Upon a company satisfying the eligibility requirements, a guest may register for a company team. A guest is defined as a non-employee and/or a non full-time employee. A guest must register under an existing registered company team and may not be a team captain. Further, a guest will not be chip timed for company team scoring purposes.
Specific Race-Day Rules
All participants must wear their assigned race numbers. Anyone found running with another person’s number will be disqualified, and risks disqualification for the entire team. Race numbers must be clearly visible on the front of the torso during the race, displayed in full view, and may not be folded or cut in any way.
Walker Policy: All walkers must start as part of the last wave of participants. They may not start in front of any runners, and may not start the race early. Walkers must complete the exact 3.1 mile course route and may not take optional or shortened routes. Violation of this policy may lead to disqualification of the entire company team from this and future Series events.
All team members must participate unaided. Roller skates, skateboards, rollerblades, baby joggers, roller skis, bicycles, strollers, or animals are strictly prohibited anywhere along the race course. Their use will result in disqualification of the individual runner and possibly the entire company.
There will be no promotions, giveaways or sampling of food or beverages allowed of any kind, unless otherwise given written permission by CFR and/or its authorized representative.
Additional Rules
No paper-form registrations. All registrations will be done online.
Due to the large number of entries to be processed, all company captains and participants acknowledge that company and individual entries which do not qualify under these rules, whether or not they have been accepted initially by CFR, may be rejected by the CFR Executive Race Committee either before or after any race and those teams and/or team members may be disqualified.
CFR reserves the right to delay, postpone, cancel, or not officially time any race in the event of adverse weather conditions. The determination of what constitutes adverse weather conditions is reserved solely to the CFR Executive Race Committee. Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable, even in the case of event cancellation.
CFR reserves the right to make additions, changes, or clarifications to these rules without prior notice to company teams or team members. CFR will endeavor to advise teams of any rule change prior to the race, but any such change shall be considered binding upon all company teams and participants whether or not they have received notice of the change prior to the race.
All rules are subject to interpretation by the CFR Race Coordinator and Executive Race Committee. All decisions of the CFR Executive Race Committee are final.
CFR reserves the right to reject or disqualify any entrant or team whose conduct is inappropriate to the spirit of the race. Individual disqualification may lead to the disqualification of the entire team and/or company for one or more races. It is expected that teams and team members will represent their company in the Corporate FunRun events in a sportsmanlike and professional manner.
Violation of any of the rules indicated herein, in the Race Packet, and/or in the race day announcements, may result in disqualification of any participant, team, and/or entire company for one or more races. The decision of the CFR Executive Race Committee is final.